Meghnad Saha Institute of Technology
Placement Record of 2023 Passout Batch till date
Meghnad Saha Institute of Technology
Placement Summary till date
The department of Information Technology existed from the very beginning, while Meghnad Saha Institute of Technology set out its journey for imparting quality engineering education. Since then, the department has evolved with different sort of changes to cope up with the changing requirements from IT industry. Being directed by the University Curriculum, department has spread its wing to impart modern technologies among the students. Currently, department is run by eight experienced & dynamic Faculties and six caring & seasoned Lab Instructors along with world class infrastructures and other facilities.
This is the place where future of computing lies. The department aims to be a centre of excellence in providing in-depth technical knowledge and research with state of the art laboratory infrastructure. The department’s main focus is to produce multitalented students to be employed in top MNCs/ Government Sector/Higher Education/Research & Development/Entrepreneurship from the very beginning and also make them capable to work in cross disciplinary platform.
Admission Cell : 7044598807
Click Here for departmental facebook page
To attain global recognition in computational education, training and research to meet the growing needs of the computing and software industry and society as a whole for successful professionals rich in knowledge and adaptability.
Producing globally competent, qualified computer professionals and to inculcate the spirit of moral values to make the students good citizens.
Providing state-of-art research facilities to generate knowledge and develop technologies in the thrust areas of Information Technology.
Developing linkages with world class organizations to strengthen industry-academia relationships for mutual benefits.
Facilitating the students to work with recent tools and technologies to produce skillful professionals with commitment to lifelong learning.
Program Educational Objectives (PEO)
The following educational objectives of the Department of Information Technology program refer to the qualities that should be possessed by the students of this program after they graduate from this department. These objectives are identified in consultation with the various industry experts, Research & Development organizations, distinguished educators, alumni & employers. The identified program educational objectives are:
PEO1: To provide opportunity for the students to widen their knowledge in mathematical, scientific, computing and basic engineering fundamentals necessary to formulate, analyze and solve hardware/software engineering problems and/or pursuing advanced study or research.
PEO2: To educate students with proficiency in core areas of Information Technology and related engineering so as to comprehend engineering trade-offs, analyze, design, and synthesize data and technical concepts to develop products and solutions for the real life problems
PEO3: To train the students a sense of high professionalism, to work as a team player on multidisciplinary projects needed for a successful professional career and relate engineering issues to the society, global economy and emerging technologies
PEO4: To provide our students exposure of the life-long learning process, to develop effective oral and written communication skills and apply their computing knowledge for writing ethical codes and guidelines, show leadership, entrepreneurship and exhibit good citizenship.
Program Outcomes (PO)
Engineering Graduates will be able to:
PO1Engineering Knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
PO2 Problem Analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyse complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
PO3 Design development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
PO4 Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
PO5 Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modelling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
PO6 The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
PO7 Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
PO8 Ethics:Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
PO9 Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
PO10Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation,make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
PO11Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one's own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
PO12Life-long learning : Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.
Program Specific Outcomes (PSO)
The students will be able to
PSO1 Apply the skills of basic science, Discrete Mathematics, probability, principles of electrical and electronics, programming aptitude to develop the self-learning capabilities for the modeling and designing of computing systems in a way of solving complex engineering problems.
PSO2 Evaluate the solution framework of a complex engineering problem and algorithm by applying the tools and techniques related to computer science to identify the optimal solutions for enriching research & development.
PSO3 Strengthen the industry-institute partnership and socio-economic framework by enhancing the emerging areas of computer science & engineering for the growing needs of society.
Name : | SUBIR HAZRA |
Designation: | Assistant Professor and HOD |
Qualification: | Pursuing Ph.D [Engg.] and M.E in Information Technology |
Phone Number : |
Welcome from Head of the Department
Greetings from the Department of Information Technology, MSIT. It gives me immense pleasure for being associated with the department. The department is run with a motto of imparting world class Technology Education not only to provide a large pool of skilled technocrats for IT industry, rather also to contribute in the evolution of front-runner technologies worldwide. Within the departmental jurisdiction, it has always given full effort to create and maintain a positive vibe although, so that the students grow with confidence and can contribute towards development of the nation and society. We, at IT department is more concerned not to make our students, a group of bookworms, rather to nurture them so that they can lead the industry with their all-round abilities. I am thankful to the highly skilled and experienced group of Faculties and Lab Instructors who have made the journey of Department of Information Technology, a memorable one. I, along with all other teachers, sincerely wish very best of luck to all our past, present and potential future students for their stunning career.
B. Tech.
The department of Information Technology , abbreviated IT, is offering an undergraduate engineering degree program since the establishment of the university named 'West Bengal University of Technology' (now MAKAUT in the year 2001 with a view to offer quality higher education to numerous worthy young fellows as well as to meet the huge demand of highly qualified specialists in the field.
Intake : 60
Faculty, Dept. of IT
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The Institution of Engineers(India) Student Chapter
Dignitaries of IE (I) Student Chapter, Dept. of IT MSIT, Inauguration Program
Machine Learining Invited Talk IEI
Machine Learining Invited Talk[II] IEI
Prof(Dr.) S.M Ali Director IE(I)Membership
Prof(Dr.)Sukumar Ray Chaudhuri Felicitating IEI Assistant Director
Prof(Dr.)Sukumar Ray Chaudhuri Felicitating IEI Director
Director of MSIT Speech IEI
IEI Student Chapter Chair Speech
Student Chapter Members with Faculty Adviser
IEI Students attending Inauguration Program
IEI Tech Quiz Competition
IEI Tech Quiz Competition[II]
IEI Tech Quiz Competition[III]
The Institution of Engineers (India) is the national organization for Engineers
India. It was founded in 1920 in Madras. At that time Sir Thomas R.J. Ward was the founding President.IE
has over 0.5 million members from 15 engineering disciplines in 99 centers or chapters in India and
overseas. It is the largest multi-disciplinary engineering professional society.This institute involves
various student activities.
Meghnad Saha Institute of Technology, Kolkata, established in the year 2001, is an Institute under the
vision of Techno India Group, one of the largest knowledge management groups in the eastern part of the
country. Over the journey of last 17 years, the Institute has established itself as a hub of academic
excellence among private engineering colleges of Eastern India. The Institute is approved by All India
Council of Technical Education and affiliated to Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West
Bengal, formerly known as WBUT. The institute runs B.Tech curriculum in the 6(six) branches of CSE, IT,
ECE, EE and CE and M.Tech courses in CSE, ECE and Geo-Technical Engineering. The institute also supports
lot of ‘beyond the curriculum initiatives’ to promote entrepreneurship, innovation, techno-cultural
sports and games to groom their personality and improve their employability.
The main goal of this initiative is to provide a wonderful opportunity for students to broaden their
knowledge of computing, advance engineering principles and to interact with other students and
who have an interest in computing.
Department of Information Technology has Student Chapter Reg. Number : 700150/MSIT/IT
Faculty Adviser 2018-19
Board for the Year 2018-19
SWETA, Co-Chair
Important Link : IEI Student Chapter's Website Link
List of Publications, Dept. of IT